China ICP Filing 101 and Infographic (2022 Updated)

TL;DR, this guide explains to you how to get an ICP license in China. This guide works for individuals, SMBs, and enterprises.

Table of contents

Click on any chapter to scroll directly to it.

  1. Which type of ICP certification do I need?
  2. Who can apply for an ICP Filing in China?
  3. Who can apply for a Commercial ICP License in China?
  4. China ICP Infographic
  5. How can we help you?

Which type of ICP certification do I need?

You need to answer the key question: "Do you need to sell things in China?"

If yes, you need to get the following permits:

  1. ICP Filing (ICP Recordal, ICP Bei An, ICP备案)
  2. Commercial ICP License (ICP Zheng, ICP经营许可证)

If not, you just need to get:
ICP Filing (ICP Recordal, ICP Bei An, ICP备案)

If you want a complete explanation of these ICP certifications, read this 1200 words long article that explain China's ICP in detail.

Who can apply for an ICP Filing in China?

Partially or wholly-owned Chinese businesses.

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Who can apply for a Commercial ICP License in China?

  1. Company Registered Capital: 1 million yuan (approx. $140,000 USD) or up.
  2. It depends on the ownership of the company, and there are two options:
    • A Chinese-owned business, or
    • A foreign company, where a Chinese business holds at least 51% ownership.

China ICP Infographic

ICP Filing China (Infographic)

How can we help you?

We help companies to file ICP quicker (usually within 1 or 2 weeks). And we help companies deliver content in China with confidence (not breaking any China laws) with a low maintenance cost.

Please send us an email and schedule a time with our experts to make your company successfully land in China!